
Illegal transporters part 2 Travel4paws Claudiu Ciurea & Jane Turner

When Barnaby was first quarantined, I naively thought it would be a case of reporting the facts and action would be taken to stop this trade. Whilst UK based investigations are ongoing and action will hopefully be taken against those involved, it if more difficult for the likes of APHA to tackle the overseas operators. My initial frustration was with APHA and I still feel they could be more offensive in thier action however, until laws are changed, most likely post Brexit dogs will continue to enter the UK putting people and animals here at risk. On this realisation, I decided to raise awareness of those involved in an attempt to at least slow this trade and I don't apologise for naming those involved as only by doing so can people avoid ending up in the same situation as myself. Over the past month, it has become apparent there are groups and allegienceis in the rescue world  and at times I have felt caught in the crossfire between these groups howeve, knowing nobody persona...


Originally, I intended on writing a post detailing the involvement of transporters. However, it soon became apparent that there were few, if any, not currently or previously involved with bringing in dogs without the correct documentation or health checks required to enter the UK. Whilst some only bring in dogs who have been correctly vaccinated, others are not so diligent and thus we have dogs arriving with parvo, distemper and other diseases. Only one openly admitted their involvement and to the best of my knowledge, stopped carrying illegal dogs from Bosnia to Romania in July. Some, within the rescue world, hold the transporters mostly responsible for the current influx of illegal dogs but I have to disagree with this. It makes no difference to them whether a dog is legal or illegal, the aren't paid double for carrying illegal dogs so do not benefit from risking seizure of dogs and fines for trafficking. The argument is that if the refused to carry illegal dogs, the t...

APHA figures on legally imported dogs from Serbia and Bosnia

Every Serbia rescue dog in the UK is illegal That's quite a statement to make and at the time of doing so, that is what I genuinely believed. After researching, speaking with people both here and across Europe, I could not find anybody importing dogs correctly. Today, I have to correct myself and admit I was wrong, in fact 99.55% of Serbian dogs in the UK are here illegally! Over time, it became clear to me that nobody advertising Serbian rescue dogs for rehoming was bringing them out in accordance with the Serbian and UK regulations. So I submitted a freedom of information  request and waited for the reply.  A quick recap on the regulations -  1)rescue dogs are classed as commercial goods as their movement is for the purpose of transfer of ownership. They CAN NOT come out on pet passport schemes. 2)for non EU countries, regulations differ but include Bosnia, 3 week quarantine, rabies vaccination then leave from a registered facility. Serbia, rabies vaccinatio...

Claudiu Ciurea Jane Turner Bogdan Grimling and "The Boys"

Many of you will be aware that Claudiu worked for Jodie Fairbrother and will be aware of his  accident and whilst it was a truly horrific accident which has impacted on a mans life, it does not entitle him and others to continue their illegal activities in the UK. Below you will see Jane Turner talking to Jodie Fairbrother,  Jane worked with/utilised/used (whatever you want to call it) Jodie's transport to bring in a dogs from Bosnia without the correct documentation.   ( I have now been informed that they were unaware  of the correct procedures and thought the dogs were brought in legally)   As Jane runs a rescue, my opinion is that she had a responsibility to ensure dogs were brought in legally. Not just Jane, anybody bringing dogs in from abroad must ensure they are informed, more so when it involves a non EU country. The pet passport scheme was set up to allow dogs to travel with their owners. The assumption is that owners will ensure their dog...

How can Bosnian dogs brought to the UK be illegal?

This is a question I have been asked a number of times. The answer is also important to understand my next two posts. Please bear with as it's quite detailed though easily understood. Pet Passport Scheme: this is exactly what is says, a passport for YOUR pet. The assumption is that responsible owners will ensure their dogs are healthy and vaccinations, worming etc are up to date. They are ONLY for use when a dog is travelling with it's owner or an appointed legal representative who is travelling with or within 5 days of your dog from the same country of origin to destination. Further, " you or your representative must sign a Declaration of Non-Commercial Transport stating that your pet's transport does not involve the sale or transfer of ownership of your pet." This is applicable for all animals coming to the UK using the PET passport scheme(exceptions for show or exhibition dogs exist). So, if your dog has left it's country of origin using the Pet p...

Dea Bella Pozega Dogs Humanimals Serbia Balkans yet again

Dea Bella asked me to leave them in peace!  Well Dea, I will once you stop sending illegal dogs to the UK. You advertise a pup as being ready to leave Serbia once it's 6 months old. That is illegal as well you know. To be compliant with UK import regs, the earliest the pup can be rabies vaccinated is 12 weeks, then a 1 month wait then titer test (FAVN) then a further 3 month wait. Pups can NOT leave Serbia until they are 7 months old . Further, you are sending dogs without a UK RBU and that is simply irresponsible. You are aware of the dogs who have been sent over and bitten children? Who have attacked adopters other pets? Who have arrived with serious health conditions? So what happens in these cases, the owner is left to cope with the situation and you wash your hands of it? Still no mention of FAVN or health cert below Dea and how can you legally bring this dog out of Serbia? As a non commercial export , the dog must travel within 5 days of it's owner and as a comme...

Kendra Pinder - AAFA and now Bosnian & Serbian dogs & Dejan Savic

Kendra Pinder's name came up time and again whilst looking into the illegal smuggling racket.  Firstly with the charity Action Aid For Animals, AAFA whose accounts were frozen in 2016 and from which Kendra was struck off in March 2018. Charity Commission re AAFA Kendra has recently started transporting dogs again under the name A £5,000 fund raiser was set up to purchase a van for this company, what was actually purchased was a £560 van with a stuck gearbox and T2f's (ticket to freedom) first farcical run ended up with Bosnian dogs coming via Romania on Romanian passports. Exact details are disputed with regards to this, Kendra claiming bad weather was responsible and Nica Bogdan, the driver, claiming otherwise. Kendra has sent me several novellas on the subject of her innocence of any involvement in knowingly importing illegal dogs from Serbia and Bosnia. She further claimed that thousands of pounds worth of donations, given by Zooplus were sold to pay, in pa...