
Originally, I intended on writing a post detailing the involvement of transporters. However, it soon became apparent that there were few, if any, not currently or previously involved with bringing in dogs without the correct documentation or health checks required to enter the UK.

Whilst some only bring in dogs who have been correctly vaccinated, others are not so diligent and thus we have dogs arriving with parvo, distemper and other diseases. Only one openly admitted their involvement and to the best of my knowledge, stopped carrying illegal dogs from Bosnia to Romania in July.

Some, within the rescue world, hold the transporters mostly responsible for the current influx of illegal dogs but I have to disagree with this. It makes no difference to them whether a dog is legal or illegal, the aren't paid double for carrying illegal dogs so do not benefit from risking seizure of dogs and fines for trafficking.

The argument is that if the refused to carry illegal dogs, the trade would end. This argument can also be applied elsewhere, if rescuers did not send them without the correct documents, if Trace units did not add them to Romanian traces and if people in the UK did not fund the illegal exporting, take away any one of these links in the chain and it stops!

Regrettably, the one that we in the UK have the most influence over and ability to change is apparently sacrosanct and so blame must be allocated elsewhere.....
