Kendra Pinder - AAFA and now Bosnian & Serbian dogs & Dejan Savic
Kendra Pinder's name came up time and again whilst looking into the illegal smuggling racket. Firstly with the charity Action Aid For Animals, AAFA whose accounts were frozen in 2016 and from which Kendra was struck off in March 2018.
Charity Commission re AAFA
Kendra has recently started transporting dogs again under the name A £5,000 fund raiser was set up to purchase a van for this company, what was actually purchased was a £560 van with a stuck gearbox and T2f's (ticket to freedom) first farcical run ended up with Bosnian dogs coming via Romania on Romanian passports. Exact details are disputed with regards to this, Kendra claiming bad weather was responsible and Nica Bogdan, the driver, claiming otherwise.
Kendra has sent me several novellas on the subject of her innocence of any involvement in knowingly importing illegal dogs from Serbia and Bosnia.
She further claimed that thousands of pounds worth of donations, given by Zooplus were sold to pay, in part, outstanding kennel fees, this is disputed by the manager at a UK Kennels who claim the money from selling donations did not pay their kennel fees and she still owes over £8,000. If by kennels Kendra meant the Ville Shelter, they were only owed £1,000 so if Kendra's estimation of £5,000 resale value of the donations is correct, where did the rest of the money go?
Kendra always insists she is innocent, never in the wrong and similar to Dejan Savic, those who question her or speak out against her are attacked by Kendra and/or her supporters. She insisted she was innocent but quite happily named others who were apparently guilty, without any proof and she claimed
"This is your time to shine isnt it? If it was not why would you be going after me, Wendy or anyone else who actually saves hundreds of lives each year in various ways? No, all this is about you. No one does anything, puts so much effort into something unless they gaining something from it....So what are you gaining from this?"
Charity Commission re AAFA
Kendra has recently started transporting dogs again under the name A £5,000 fund raiser was set up to purchase a van for this company, what was actually purchased was a £560 van with a stuck gearbox and T2f's (ticket to freedom) first farcical run ended up with Bosnian dogs coming via Romania on Romanian passports. Exact details are disputed with regards to this, Kendra claiming bad weather was responsible and Nica Bogdan, the driver, claiming otherwise.
Kendra has sent me several novellas on the subject of her innocence of any involvement in knowingly importing illegal dogs from Serbia and Bosnia.
She further claimed that thousands of pounds worth of donations, given by Zooplus were sold to pay, in part, outstanding kennel fees, this is disputed by the manager at a UK Kennels who claim the money from selling donations did not pay their kennel fees and she still owes over £8,000. If by kennels Kendra meant the Ville Shelter, they were only owed £1,000 so if Kendra's estimation of £5,000 resale value of the donations is correct, where did the rest of the money go?
Kendra always insists she is innocent, never in the wrong and similar to Dejan Savic, those who question her or speak out against her are attacked by Kendra and/or her supporters. She insisted she was innocent but quite happily named others who were apparently guilty, without any proof and she claimed
"This is your time to shine isnt it? If it was not why would you be going after me, Wendy or anyone else who actually saves hundreds of lives each year in various ways? No, all this is about you. No one does anything, puts so much effort into something unless they gaining something from it....So what are you gaining from this?"
Whilst I endeavour to keep these pages free from personal judgement, I have been verbally attacked and threatened for simply telling the truth and some of those involved have been downright vile. I have come to realise that Kendra Pinder is, in my opinion, an incredibly manipulative person who attempts to cloud judgement on her own misdeeds by attacking and accusing others.
Just because your character is such that you are willing to break the law bringing in illegal dogs with scant regard for the potential health risks, it does not mean that those attempting to raise awareness of the issue and stop people such as yourself are gaining anything other than knowing that operations like yours can no longer function.
Not everybody acts for profit or gain, some do so through morals and ethics.
This is about caring about the country I live in, about the children who play in the parks dogs foul in and about the pets and wildlife in this country. You, Wendy and the others involved are the ones benefiting from this, quite a profitable little business for you all isn't it!
How much did your charity raise? I believe one year it was just short of £250,000! So please do not preach to me about gaining from exposing the illegal dog importing you and others have engaged in and gotten away with for several years.
For the record Kendra, you fool far fewer people than you believe as not one person I spoke with had anything good to say about you as a person or how you ran your operation.
Finally, lets set the record straight here. I am not responsible for the death of thousands of dogs and never have I stated that I wanted to stop international rescuing and if anybody is responsible for the death of even a single dog, it is the narcissistic, profiteering morons involved in the illegal importing all because they want to cut corners and increase profit margins.
Now, considering Kendra has accused me of being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of dogs and verbally attacked me for my attempts to shut down those involved in illegally transporting dogs to the UK, I was surprised by her claims to have spent 6 months trying to do the very same thing! Reporting a rival transport, Elipet, to the authorities numerous times without success, the hypocrisy is multi layered here! In fact, as chats will show, Kendra has no qualms about accusing others whilst claiming she herself is and was legitimate. Also note the date on the email, May 2nd and the Action Aid For Animals footer. Having been disqualified as a trustee for AAFA by the charities commission on 27 March 2018, Kendra should not be sending emails under the guise of AAFA.

This is the vet from Danyflor who doesn't not have a high opinion of Kendra. She claims Kendra took sponsor money for dogs which should have bought food for the shelter but she cashed in the money instead and the shelter never heard what happened to some of the dogs once she took them. She also claims she fell out with Dejan as Kendra wanted to bring "loads" of his dogs which would all have to be put on Romanian traces but she refused. The vet states Kendra knew the dogs did not have the correct documentation and this would concur with Chris Eddy(American who for years has assisted Serbian rescuers and has been reported to US officials for her involvement) and others who state that the transports dealt directly with the Serbian "rescuer" or via a third party such as Chris and so had to be complicit.
Further, she discusses issues with having to wait for Dejan below and "picking" up dogs for him on route and yet Kendra claims she did not know she was carrying Serbian dogs illegally!!
Kendra claimed, "Donations that were sold were donated to us to do just that...To sell and raise funds! Monies that were then given to Kennels, vets and also sent to pay rehab costs for a couple of our dogs. AAFA finances were not my concern though I have to admit I should have shared the responsibility far more. I was more concerned about helping the animals than book keeping."
The following chat is very interesting as why would you send a dog out the country to have it's chip removed? Why would you be in such an obvious panic to do so? I suppose, hypothetically, you would want to do so if the dog was stolen from "the drunk" and pressure was being applied to produce the dog to have it's chip read. Maybe it was renamed before having a passport made so she could leave the UK? Why then did it go from one chip to plural, chips had to be removed. Who knows, perhaps trading standards and the police can work it as it is all very strange......
This is about caring about the country I live in, about the children who play in the parks dogs foul in and about the pets and wildlife in this country. You, Wendy and the others involved are the ones benefiting from this, quite a profitable little business for you all isn't it!
How much did your charity raise? I believe one year it was just short of £250,000! So please do not preach to me about gaining from exposing the illegal dog importing you and others have engaged in and gotten away with for several years.
For the record Kendra, you fool far fewer people than you believe as not one person I spoke with had anything good to say about you as a person or how you ran your operation.
Finally, lets set the record straight here. I am not responsible for the death of thousands of dogs and never have I stated that I wanted to stop international rescuing and if anybody is responsible for the death of even a single dog, it is the narcissistic, profiteering morons involved in the illegal importing all because they want to cut corners and increase profit margins.
Now, considering Kendra has accused me of being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of dogs and verbally attacked me for my attempts to shut down those involved in illegally transporting dogs to the UK, I was surprised by her claims to have spent 6 months trying to do the very same thing! Reporting a rival transport, Elipet, to the authorities numerous times without success, the hypocrisy is multi layered here! In fact, as chats will show, Kendra has no qualms about accusing others whilst claiming she herself is and was legitimate. Also note the date on the email, May 2nd and the Action Aid For Animals footer. Having been disqualified as a trustee for AAFA by the charities commission on 27 March 2018, Kendra should not be sending emails under the guise of AAFA.

This is the vet from Danyflor who doesn't not have a high opinion of Kendra. She claims Kendra took sponsor money for dogs which should have bought food for the shelter but she cashed in the money instead and the shelter never heard what happened to some of the dogs once she took them. She also claims she fell out with Dejan as Kendra wanted to bring "loads" of his dogs which would all have to be put on Romanian traces but she refused. The vet states Kendra knew the dogs did not have the correct documentation and this would concur with Chris Eddy(American who for years has assisted Serbian rescuers and has been reported to US officials for her involvement) and others who state that the transports dealt directly with the Serbian "rescuer" or via a third party such as Chris and so had to be complicit.
Further, she discusses issues with having to wait for Dejan below and "picking" up dogs for him on route and yet Kendra claims she did not know she was carrying Serbian dogs illegally!!
It appears to me she was very much involved in the finances during the sale of these donations and the UK kennels are still owed thousands. Kendra states the donations were given with the right to resell however, Zooplus state
"donations are intended solely for use of the charity, within the charity by the animals in their care, or associated/linked charities. The goods should not be resold or used for the purposes of commercial activity e.g. fundraising, they can be passed on by goodwill to other charities where appropriate.".
You were literally give tons of food, dog beds and more, those donations could have helped so many dogs. One van load alone you claim would make you £5,000! I can't write on here what I think of you but I hope the ongoing investigation prevents you from carry on this shameful operation Kendra, you disgust me.
The following chat is very interesting as why would you send a dog out the country to have it's chip removed? Why would you be in such an obvious panic to do so? I suppose, hypothetically, you would want to do so if the dog was stolen from "the drunk" and pressure was being applied to produce the dog to have it's chip read. Maybe it was renamed before having a passport made so she could leave the UK? Why then did it go from one chip to plural, chips had to be removed. Who knows, perhaps trading standards and the police can work it as it is all very strange......
To realise the importance of the following chats, you need to be aware that, as Kendra herself states in one screenshot, for Bosnian dogs to be 100% legal, they must remain on the transport from Bosnia until arrival in the UK. They should not, as shown below, be smuggled out of Bosnia by exploiting the pet passport system before being given falsified Romanian passports, dropped off in Hungary then picked up by transporters who have them already registered on Romanian traces.
My opinion is that if rescuers and transporters are willing to cut corners by illegally smuggling the dogs over, what else are they cutting corners on? Are the Bosnian passports legitimate? Are the dogs vaccinated, assessed or wormed? Who knows and I wouldn't expect a genuine response from those involved.
These might not be in order, sorry but I just don't have the time. Many other transporters are named by Kendra as complicit in bringing in dogs from Dejan and opinions on several people are expressed by Kendra. It is time consuming sorting through evidence, verifying and posting so if your name is mentioned and it is not in relation to bringing in illegal dogs, please contact me and I will remove it.
These are mostly from when Kendra used other transports to bring in Bosnian dogs, she discusses her history of when she brought in Serbian dogs using her transport AAFA. Kendra has now set up another transport company T2F
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