Saturday was the best day ever!

It was a lovely sunny day today so I carried all my toys outside so I could play in the sun. I didn't take my balls out though, I have a thing about my balls (I have six of them now) and hide them under my blanket. When anybody tries to play with them I get very sad and cry then hide them back in my bed but my mummy isn't sure why I do this.
Anyhow, I had all my other toys out and was playing by myself when I heard mummies' voices and my tail started wagging, I ran to the fence and then I saw both my mummies walking down the path calling Barnaby, Barney bubbles and I felt so happy.

With it being sunny, we all sat outside today and it was great fun! Mummy didn't bring me chicken, she brought me a special doggie meal with meat and rice, said it is better for my waistline but I don't believe her as she also brought me a bag of treats and didn't say anything about them and my waistline. I ate my meal, half my treats and mummy hid the rest in my ball and my bed for after. It's good fun that as when they leave, I hunt everywhere looking for the left behind treats and sometimes I find a few later in the week which is always a nice surprise.

We played lots of fun games with my toys and had loads of cuddles, it was so warm that I soon got tired out, had to have a drink and a lay down on mummy Nicole's lap, then I had a really nice belly rub. Mummy Nicole also did the live stream thing again, not that I noticed anything but apparently 7 people watched me on it this week and that made me happy as I like people and like the idea of having so many friends out there that I have never met. Mummy also tells me my blog is going well and has had over 18,000 views and that means people care about me and think what I am doing is the right thing, I'm glad about that as it's not much fun in here most of the time but so long as other dogs don't end up like me, I can do it as everybody says I'm a very strong doggie and I have a wonderful; family to go home to. Hope you enjoy my photos, love you all Barnaby xxx


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