APHA figures on legally imported dogs from Serbia and Bosnia
Every Serbia rescue dog in the UK is illegal That's quite a statement to make and at the time of doing so, that is what I genuinely believed. After researching, speaking with people both here and across Europe, I could not find anybody importing dogs correctly. Today, I have to correct myself and admit I was wrong, in fact 99.55% of Serbian dogs in the UK are here illegally! Over time, it became clear to me that nobody advertising Serbian rescue dogs for rehoming was bringing them out in accordance with the Serbian and UK regulations. So I submitted a freedom of information request and waited for the reply. A quick recap on the regulations - 1)rescue dogs are classed as commercial goods as their movement is for the purpose of transfer of ownership. They CAN NOT come out on pet passport schemes. 2)for non EU countries, regulations differ but include Bosnia, 3 week quarantine, rabies vaccination then leave from a registered facility. Serbia, rabies vaccinatio...